Cell phone technology was introduced to society by the Motorola Company in 1983. The company released the first generation analog phone technology which would be later replaced by a much more reliable digital technology. Car phones and full size bag phones were the first and only options for communicating outside of a land line. Over the course of the next 20+ years, cell phone technology would transform itself with the growing demand of society and the advancements of technology.
Since the introduction of the first Web browser, the Internet has been considered an interactive communications tool, but we’re just beginning to unlock the Web's ability to help us interact (Schipul, 2006). The exponential growth and advancement in technology has accelerated society’s methods of communication. We have moved from an age of communicating via home or pay phones, digital pagers, cell phones, now SPT (Smart Phone Technology), respectively. SPT provides an accelerated channel of communication through various social networking technologies by way of sending text, email, and blog messages from a single cell phone.
SPT also allows users to download other social networking applications such as IM and Facebook to keep a consistent line of communication open between family and friends. So what does the future hold for smart phone technology? Taking technology to the next level, cell phone makers are introducing 3-D technology to smart phones. For the gadget junkies watching movies or streaming video on a smart phone in 3-D could be considered the next best thing since sliced bread. For those who still operate flip phones with limited capabilities, playing in this new age of technological innovation will be virtually impossible. The exponential growth and advancement in technology has accelerated society’s methods of communication; therefore Smart Phone Technologies becoming emerged.
Schipul, E. (2006). The Web's next generation: Web 2.0. Public Relations Tactics, 13(3), 23. Retrieved from SocINDEX with Full Text database.