Monday, August 9, 2010

Module 5 Moving Toward Dynamic Technologies



  1. Andree,
    Nice job one the manp. One question, why do you have blogs on both sides of the map? Are blogs static or dynamic?
    Thank you,

  2. Andree,

    Great job! I love your use of color! Do you like the Scribd program that you used? I have never heard of it.

  3. Bradley,
    The reason for those items being on both side is to represent a cross function. These items I kink can fall in both categories. That is the reason for using a different color to make them stand out. Great observation!!!

  4. Kat,
    Thank you, I started using this program in another course that required us to upload documents. One of my team members pointed me to the site. I think its great and it interfaces directly with facebook.

  5. Very good job on the organizer. You brought up some innovations I never thought of like ebooks. It never crossed my mind and it really works out for content generation. I'm sure there are many more innovations that are out there that can make a difference in distance education and student learning.
